Welcome to "My Soul Mission!"

Thanks for visiting! Remember...everyday is a new opportunity to make a difference in someone's life! Touch a soul today... Life is short, children are grown in a blink, and eternity is forever! ...<><...Gospel Gurl

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Released Into Darkness!

Recently we ministered to children at a "Soup Kitchen/Shelter". The children from the area goverment housing fill the shelter each evening looking for something to eat. They eagerly participated in our program and attentively lisented to the lesson on "The Light of Life" and how Jesus brings light into our dark world full of sin. The children were so attentive and responsive.

When the program ended the children were fed and released to go back home. When loading the van we were shocked at the realization that no one was there to take them home, or see after their safety...they were just realeased into the darkness. This was a very unsafe enviroment! We watched as they ran around and played and then just scatter into the darkness...wtih no lights. It was heartbreaking to witness. I wanted to scoop them up and take all of them home, but that wasn't possible.

It was a great reminder that many times we as Christians carry around the Light of Life inside of us and yet stand by and watch without sharing Jesus to a world that is lost in darkness! 2012 is a new beginning...take every imaginable opportunity to bring light into our dark world that is hurting and many times hopeless!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Without The "X" In Public Schools

After school Bible Clubs across the region celebrate the birthday of Jesus! When making this photo, one of the children said, "Christmas is supposed to start with an X." I replied, "Well not anymore!" Praise God for Christ and the real meaning of Christmas. God is so good! So many children have been touched with the Gospel message already this school year. School is out for the holidays, and many children are celebrating their first Christmas as a Christian. Even though the season is busy remember...ALWAYS keep the Christmas gift of Christ to the world on your heart, and share Him with those who still think Christmas starts with X!

Merry Christmas....<><.....Cathy Peek (Gospelgurl

Friday, December 23, 2011

Amazed At His Plan...Amazed At His Purpose!

While teaching a unit on the life of David, one of the lessons was on the the anointing of young David. In the lesson as Samuel was searching the brothers to see who God was calling, I called my big 5th graders to stand up front...along with one of my tiny kindergarteners. Looking them over I asked the question, "Who do you suppose God will choose---this big one, this strong one or maybe this handsome one...he surely looks like he would make a great king?" The children were shouting and shaking their heads. Then I walked over and choose my tiny kindergartener. The children started laughing as I put the robe and crown on him. The chldren were amazed at my choice ---The lesson in this story is impacting! We serve a God that is not interested in what people can see on the outside...He has the power to look right down inside of us and see our heart!

Many don't realize it, but from before the time we were conceived...God had a plan and purpose for our life. Every child that sits before us in our ministries has a divine purpose. Don't forget when you teach children...the future sits at your feet!

Cathy Peek

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Counting Our Blessing All Year!

There so many opportunities during this season to teach children about being thankful. It's important to teach children about having an awareness that all things come from God...they are gifts! Get children to name as many as they can. Maybe they have never thought about our breath or sight as a daily gift. It is so important to also teach them about the joy in helping others, then give them a mission opportuntiy to live out helping someone in need. Learning at an early age to have a "Thankful Heart" will begin to mold them into thankful adults. ---Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is over...continuing to celebrate God's gifts with children will help them learn to count blessing all year!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Story Never Gets Old!

Our banner read..."Hear A Story...Make A FREE Bracelet!" It was amazing how many children and adults filled our tent all week long to hear the awesome story of God's love!

A true message that is life changing to all who believe. Even with all the distractions and noise...when the story was told...their full attention was given! So thankful the story never gets old!

Good News to All!

Happy chatter and laughter filled the air as the children got off the bus and headed to a fun themed event. We brought this outreach to where they lived!

The children loved the "Pirate Party"...learning about digging for treasure truths from God's Word! It is amazing as we continue to bring the Good News to children how God's love is heard and received in all languages!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Building Strong for Eternity!

During my childhood I saw many wodden boats built because my Dad owned a shipyard. I still remember the sounds of hammers pounding, scaffolds high in the air, the smell of fresh paint and boats on dry land

. Every part of building the boats had to be done precisely from the cutting of the wood to laying the inner body of the boat. Every plank was important so the finished product would produce a sea worthy vessel. ---The same is true for the children we teach. During their childhood, laying a solid foundation is utmost important so they will have the needed truths to weather the stormy seas of life when they are grown. There is no time to relax or skim in our ministry programs. Why?...Because every second spent on building for eternity should be spent...building kids strong in their faith!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Peanut Butter n' Jelly, Toilet Paper, Hula Hoops, Blind Cowboys and a Friendly Pony... Add Up To Fun Learning About God!

That's right peanut butter 'n jelly, toilet paper, hula hoops, a blind cowboy and a friendly pony add up to a super fun event to share life changing truths about God!

Summer is an awesome time to take every opportunity possible to teach children about God. Many of them have been sitting in school for the past 9 months so it is time to shake things up! When putting together your VBS or summer program be creative in how you present every segment. Use lots of props, fun music, energetic games, surprise elements and a meaty Bible Lesson. Remember the heart of your entire program should be the Bible! Oh yea....dont forget to have tons of fun!!

Kickin' Off Summer Ministry Fun!.....<><.....

Gospel Gurl

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Grown In A Blink!

It seemed like yesterday a child in our kids program had his hand up begging to answer every question. He always greeted us with a big smile and the statement..."Ya know what?" and then he would proceed to tell us something unique that he had discovered. As he attended our children's ministry program he was like a sponge soaking up the truths of God. ---Several years later we moved away and lost touch. Thirteen years later our telephone rings...it is Evan. He is all grown up, out of college and wanting my husband to marry him. His wedding was this past weekend. Where does the time go?? One thing for sure...time doesn't slow down. What we do today will affect tomorrow. Any time spent with children is not time lost! They are too precious for words, life goes fast and children are grown in a blink!

Cathy Peek

Monday, March 14, 2011

Open Hearts!

As the children in my club began to learn how to pray, it was totally amazing how tender and open their hearts became to the happenings in their enviroments! Teaching children that God cares about every tiny detail in their lives is so important. These prayers prove that children believed this as truth as they prayed... Some of the request may make you chuckle, cry, laugh but most of all stand amazed at their giant sized faith! ---Here are a few that will make your day! "God please help my tadpole make it to be a frog this time!", "God, please don't let daddy buy beer today.", "God, my cat died, but his fur is still on the street...please help him not to be cold.", "Lord, help me not to hit my sister even though she makes me want to.", "God, our car is broke and we need money to fix it.", "God can you help my lizard learn to eat."

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spending Time With God!

Teaching children to spend time with God is a critical element of discipleship! Many children attend ministry activities or church without any parental involvement. Many children have never heard the name of Jesus at home except in a curse word. When these children come to Christ...how can we help bring spiritual stability and make a lasting difference in the way they view God? One answer is easy...teach them to spend time with God. This time is called quiet time. But how? Where do they start? What do they use? ---A simple tool I use is the "Wonder Devotion Book". I put the book in a zip-loc-baggie along with a pencil, highlighter and book mark and what ever else I want to give them as we go along! :) This helps keep everything organized. The Wonder Devotion Book is a simple, easy to use, 60 day devotions book that teaches children to know, respect, love and serve God with our lives. ---We know that if we don't take the time to get alone with God, read His Word and talk to Him in prayer...our Christian walk begins to loose balance... Teaching children this habit at an early age is critical in developing their relationship to God! For more information on this devotion book email 1gospelgurl@gamil.com

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 --- Run the Race As Never Before!

Happy New Year 2011! I am excited about a brand new year of ministering to children! A brand new year of creative, out of the box ways to minister to children. A new year of living in surrender to the call of God...a brand new year to push away the distractions from everyday life...a brand new year to run the race as never before. Why?? Because countless children are waiting to hear the Good News that God Loves them and has a plan for their lives!

I shouldn't have been surprised but I admit I was a few weeks ago when children were inside our church for the first time and seemed dazed...as if they were in a strange land. I ask what was going on...one of the children said, "I have always wondered my whole life what the inside of a church looked like...now I know."

Wow, was that ever a wake up call! 2011 is definately not the year to sit back, rest and coast in ministry. 2011 is the year of living out our call so that more will come to Christ than ever before!

Excited about the opportunities that lie ahead!
...<><...Gospel Gurl

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Praying with Faith!

The strongest most intense faith on earth is that of a trusting child! When taught properly... children really get it when many adults don't. Stop being anxious and fretting over what might happen. Let's lift our prayers to God and believe with the faith of a chid that He truly hears and will answer.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Let It Shine!

This an awesome season to take advantage of sharing the Gospel with children and encouraging them to shine their light in the darkness!

I picked out a nice shaped pumpkin from the store and gathered a group of children to join in on this "hands on" lesson of God's redeeming love! It is a fun way to share the Gospel and encourage kids to never back down but to run to the darkness and Let Their Light Shine!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

For All The Children Still Waiting To Hear!

On May 3 I posted about a young boy who shared some of his life struggles with me. After hearing his story I began to pray diligently for him but didn't know if I would ever get the opportunity to minister to him in person again. Last Friday...4 months later, someone from the community that knew him, shared with us that he had joined a "Good News Club" at his school in another county and last week at club received Christ! I can't even write in words the stir that went through my soul after hearing this! ---God is SO FAITHFUL!! For all the children who are out there waiting to hear....never let up bringing them before the throne! God truly cares and is faithful to hear and answer on their behalf!
For the Children...<><...Gospel Gurl

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Do All We Can, While We Can, Wherever We Can, For As Many Children As We Can, For As long As We Can!

Opportunities are everywhere! Some new statistics I just read said an estimated 75% of the world's children have never heard about Jesus! As Christian's that statistic should be gut wrenching it is so staggering! We must guard our hearts in leadership of children and stay diligent. So many times childrens programs are full of bottomless activities that are empty and meatless of the Word of God! Remember children are hungry for God. Let's do all we can to take his love and His message to them while we can....and don't forget to have fun!!
...<><...Gospel Gurl

One Message...Many Methods!

Sharing the Gospel is the delight of my life! This Giant Gospel Ball is so fun to use at ministry outreachs. Children are so open to hearing about God and Gospel tools are a fun way to engage them in understanding the message. The good old Gospel Colors tell the greatest story ever told! I pray you are taking every advantage of spreading the message...because many are waiting to hear.
...<><...Gospel Gurl

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Awesome Ministry Outreach

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These bubbles remind me of how fun it is to spread the love of Christ with the children! When the Gospel message is received into one heart and life...it continues to be shared with life after life for an entire lifetime. Being faithful to share time after time greatly accelerates the Gospel throughout our world. Just like the wind takes the bubble in different direction. Each Christian shares Jesus with those we may never know...and that's called spreading the Gospel

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

100+ Degrees and Standing On Holy Ground!!

Every opportunity to share the Gospel doesn't just happen by chance. God knows ALL about it, and he knows all about the life He is putting in your path that needs Him sooo much! It was totally amazing to see the children at the complex run out the door and come stand expectantly before us. They jumped into the games and then sat down with eager hearts and listened to the Bible Lesson. We can't even fathom the circumstances of some of their lives...but God know about ever detail of their lives and desires a relationship with them. One boy that I led to Christ came back and ask me to show him again where it says in the Bible how much God loves Him. I showed him John 3:16 and put his name where it says world. He held the Bible and looked at it for the longest time. That kind of love seemed unbelievable to him! At that moment sensing him absorbing the Love of God...made it seem as if we were standing on holy ground! Here are some pics that will melt your heart and stir your soul. Everyday we should pray for opportunities to spread His Love!! Thank You God for opportunities like this! You are an amazing God!!

Ministry Magnets.....Bring On The Fun!

Ministry with children can be some of the most memorable experiences ever...but if you don't keep it fast paced, high energy and bring the FUN element into it---it can go down hill fast! Believe me---I've seen it happen many times! Ministry to children should never be called boring! The ministry tools such as parachutes, giant balls, hula hoops etc...should never be looked at as toys. Why?? Because they are kid magnets. You just have to know how to use them to enhance your outreach and draw the kids in! Then during cool down time you have hungry hearts to feed! I just love it!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Evangelism Training Pics

The teens were engaged and ready to soak in all they could. There energy was awesome! Let the good times roll!!! Look out lost here they come!

Outreach Training Impacts Lives!

Last week I had the privilege of training teens at Christian Youth In Action Boot Camp. The teens from my area and teens from my friends area in Augusta, Georgia joined together for evangelism training. They learned how to teach a Bible Lesson, Scripture Memory, Lead A Child to Chirst and much more. One of the really enjoyable parts was teaching them how to keep their event energized, relational, fun and as "high octane" as possible! Here is a few pics of the training.

Great Ministry Fun!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Keep it Fun and Keep It Real!!

Hey! I have been gone for a while...summer keeps Gospel Gurl very busy and it is a great time for mega opportunities to share the love of Jesus! We had VBS at our church and invited kids from the community...soooooo fun! Our theme was "One Way"...a perfect theme because there is only "One Way" the get to heaven and "One Way" to live while here on earth! We have more fun and crazy events planned to learn more about God on "One Way Wednesdays"!

Playing games with the children at any event helps build realtionships and lets them see you laugh and play with them. They love you because you are real and like to have fun! Here is one of my favorite games to let the kids release all that awesome energy before they calm down and get ready to learn great truths from God's Word!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Serving From the Heart!

Tonight we had an appreciation cookout for our volunteers. It just blessed me to see them drive up and walk down to the pavilion. They have been soooooo faithful to serve the children in the Good News Clubs in the local schools in their counties. My heart was stirred by their testimonies of God at work in their lives and the lives of the children. They are truly serving from the heart!

Being with volunteers who are so sold out to God and love the children... just impassion my soul to burn harder and brighter for my Savior. Many children have never heard of the One True and Living God and I can't wait to tell them!